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🚨Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form🚨


🚨Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form🚨
🚨Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form🚨

The basic working muscles

– Muscles of the back: the broadest, the largest round.

– Muscles of arms: biceps, brachial and brachial muscles.

❌Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form
❌Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form

Practical advice and recommendations

  • During the execution of the thrust of the upper block with a narrow grip, you should slightly deflect the body backwards – this will allow you to lower the handle exactly to the chest;
  • All movements are carried out solely by drawing the elbows back, and not by bending the arms in the elbows;
  • If you want to include trapezium in your work, diamond-shaped and rear deltas, maximally reduce the blades;
  • Use the traction of the upper block with a narrow grip as an isolated exercise during the days of training your back muscles.
✅Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form
✅Neutral Pulldowns Proper Form
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