The best Ab Exercises & Program

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How to pump up the upper press: the best exercises and program

Abs Workout


Many athletes divide all the exercises for pumping the press into several categories: exercises for the lower press, exercises for the upper press and exercises for the lateral press (oblique muscles).

In our article today, we will analyze the best exercises for working out the upper press (upper abdomen), as well as the methodology for their implementation.

Top Abdominal Exercises

Twisting lying on the floor is an excellent exercise that allows you to well load the rectus abdominis muscle. Suitable for athletes of any skill level and can be performed both in the gym and at home.
Twisting on a Roman bench – this exercise is an alternative to twisting on the floor and also loads the rectus muscle well.

  • Twisting on the block – this exercise perfectly works out the upper press due to the constant load of the block weights. Can be used at the very end of a workout press.
  • Double twisting is a universal exercise aimed at training the upper and lower press areas. It can be used as a base on press training days.
  • Training complex for pumping the upper press

Based on the above exercises, you can create a training program for the upper press.


Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Double twisting 3 12-15
Twisting on a Roman bench 3 15
Twisting on the block 3 15

Perform this training complex once a week, on the day of training the press. The total duration of the complex is 6 weeks.

Science opinion


Despite the fact that the vast majority of athletes share training and exercises on the lower and upper presses, in reality they all equally affect the rectus abdominis muscle along its entire length. The visual difference in the relief of the upper and lower areas of the press is explained only by the uneven distribution of fat in this part of the body.

Thus, separate workouts / exercises on the lower and upper press do not make any sense and equally load the entire press along its entire length. The exception is only the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which can be pumped separately.

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