Training Program for Front Delts | Guide

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Training programs, diets and bodybuilding tips

Deltoid muscles belong to that category of muscle groups, the bundles of which can be trained individually. At the same time, a separate training program can be used for each bunch of deltas.

Front Shoulder Exercises


The use of specialized complexes for a specific area of ​​the deltoid muscles can be due to the backwardness of this area or the athlete’s desire to accentuate to pump each specific bundle. In this article we will analyze the training program for the mass of the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles.

Principles of Delta Front Training

The weight training complex for the front delta beam will be based on the following basic principles:

  • High intensity training – this means that basic exercises should be performed with a maximum working weight in the average range of repetitions – 6-8 times.
  • Specialized exercises – the program includes a set of exercises that load the front bundles of the deltoid muscles.
  • Emphasis on the negative phase of exercises – during the execution of working repetitions, do not throw weight down, but lower it a little slower than usual.
  • The use of stretch muscles at the end of the reps – and stretching exercises at the end of the workout will lead to large microfractures of the fibers, increase the speed of muscle recovery and strengthen their strength potential.

Front Exercises Delta Training Program

Exercises Approaches Repetitions Rest between sets
Army Shoulder press 3 6 3 min
Arnold Press 3 8 2,5 min
Front dumbbell raise 3 12 2 min
Stretching Deltoid Muscles 3-4 min


The technique of performing the exercises presented in the complex:

Answers to frequently asked questions about the complex

Below are answers to possible questions about this complex:

When to executing this program?

This training complex can be performed on a separate day, or on the days of training the muscles of the back or legs. The best option would be to combine this program with a program on the back.

How long does this program take?

The duration of the complex is 6 weeks. At the end of this period, you must change the program to another.


What kind of sports nutrition should I take?

Take protein and creatine at the end of your workout. This will create additional conditions for muscle growth and will contribute to the effectiveness of the workout.

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