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Basic exercises with a barbell to grow muscle and increase testosterone – why are these exercises so important and how to learn how to perform them technically correctly?

Basic exercises with a barbell to grow muscle
Basic exercises with a barbell to grow muscle

Basic exercises with a barbell.

Despite the fact that in bodybuilding there are a lot of exercises, only a few of them are basic, and all the rest are secondary. In order to effectively train and force the muscles to grow, it is first of all necessary to study the technique of these basic exercises.

The key difference between the basic exercises is that they load all large muscle groups of the body at once – as opposed to isolating exercises that work on only one group of muscles (for example, the biceps). In addition, basic exercises are always performed with the barbell.

Testosterone and basic exercises.

Scientific research shows that the more different muscle groups are simultaneously involved in the performance of a certain exercise, the more active this exercise will affect the production of testosterone and other anabolic hormones needed by the body for muscle growth.

In other words, if you want to gain muscle mass, you should approach the training of the body in a complex way, and not just “swing your biceps” or “swing your chest.” A novice who has learned to perform basic exercises correctly, can increase the body weight by 5-7 kg already in the first months of training.

The most important exercises.

When performing multi-joint basic exercises with heavy weight, the entire body of the athlete is subjected to a load. In addition to the musculature of the arms, body and legs, the respiratory and even central nervous system is included in the work – this is what provides an essential hormonal response.

It should be noted that the greatest efficiency of muscle growth is achieved with severe power training and performing a low number of repetitions of exercises – no more than 5-7 repetitions. In turn, this requires the use of large working weights and the perfect observance of technics.

List of basic exercises.

Basic exercises are five multi-joint exercises performed with a barbell: a bench press, barbell stand press, squats with a barbell, a rod rod in a slope and a deadlift. It is these exercises that most strongly affect the growth of muscles and the increase in the hormonal background of the body.

At the same time, most secondary exercises performed with dumbbells or in simulators are variations of basic exercises. For example, a dumbbell press sitting or bench press on the simulator is a modified bench press standing. Exactly as a bench press lying down is, in fact, a variation of push-ups.



Deadlift is the basic exercise number one for the muscles of the body. If you only perform it and refuse any others, you will still see the result in the form of a set of mass, because it is the deadlift that involves the maximum number of muscles in the work.

In order to learn how to deadlift correctly, it is recommended to start with a minimum balance on the barbell and using the stand – lifting the weight “off the ground” disrupts the technique, not allowing to support the hips tight and the back perfectly straight.

Squats with a barbell.

squat exercises

Squats with a barbell – the basic exercise for the development of the musculature of the legs, starting from the gluteal muscles and quadriceps of the thigh and ending with the calves. With the correct technique of performing, the spine and abdominal muscles are also included in the work, forming a steel press.

To learn the correct technique of squats is recommended in a special frame, allowing you to squat with a light weight, but with a focus on the full sense of the muscles. You must start the movement by pushing the buttocks upward, straightening the knees and not thinking about the muscles of the legs.

Bench press.

Additional options for performing exercises on the chest!

Bench Press - Improvements you can Make

The bench press is the key exercise for the development of the muscles of the chest, triceps and the front part of the deltoid muscles. Depending on the angle of the bench and the width of the setting of hands on the rod, it is possible to include various beams of pectoral muscle.

In order to learn how to perform the bench press lying correctly, you must first learn how to properly press. Do push-ups from the bench, focusing on the fact that the movement is made by the strength of the pectoral muscles. The press should be constantly stressed.

Barbell to the belt.

the correctness of the rod pulling to the waist

Rod pull to the waist is the basic exercise for the development of the musculature of the back and giving it a visual width. When properly performed, deltas, pectoral muscles, forearms and numerous muscle arms are also included.

It is recommended to learn how to do rod draft in a slope from the thrust of the block to the belt while sitting in the simulator. First, you pull the weight to the knees, then – almost to the chest, while reducing the shoulder blades. It is in the phase of lifting the weight to the chest that you should feel the tension of the latissimus muscles of the back.

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press.

press standing barbell

The standing bar press (also called “army press”) develops the shoulder belt, deltoid muscles, hands, improves posture and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal press. It is this basic exercise that forms a classic sports figure with broad shoulders.

Training the barbell above your head while standing is recommended to start with a dumbbell stand while standing, paying special attention to the fact that the weight moves only vertically, and the body is static tense. Remember also that a lot of weight can be traumatic for the joints.

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