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Bulgarian Split Squat – we form the legs and buttocks


Bulgarian Split Squat are a sophisticated version of classic attacks, in which the leg behind is placed on a bench or a step. This technique allows you to concentrate all the load on the muscles in front of the standing leg. It is most convenient to do an exercise with dumbbells, but you can use a barbell or do without any burden if you are a beginner.

Bulgarian split squat


Work of muscles in Bulgarian Split Squat 

Squat with a supporting leg on a raised platform affect the musculature of the anterior and posterior surface of the thighs, and also perfectly work on the gluteal muscles. This exercise helps to give the legs and buttocks a contoured, contoured form.

What muscles work:

  • Quadriceps – the anterior surface of the thigh.
  • Large gluteal muscles.
  • The hamstrings are the back surface.
  • Stabilizers: medium and small gluteal muscles of the body.

In the event that you do an exercise with dumbbells, some static load gets to the muscles of the hands.

Advantages of exercise


How to Bulgarian Split Squat


Bulgarian squats are recommended for athletes who already have a training experience. From a technical point of view, the exercise is not the easiest. This is due to the fact that you need not only to do all the work with the muscles of one leg, instead of two, but also to keep the balance.

Technique of performance Bulgarian Split Squat 

Before embarking on the Bulgarian attacks, thoroughly razmemnite knee joints. Consider the most popular version of the exercise – with dumbbells.

Technique of performance Bulgarian Split Squat 


The technique of execution is as follows:


  1. Take dumbbells, go to the bench and stand with your back to it. Make one foot a wide step forward, and place the second on the bench on the top of the foot. Hand with dumbbells lower along the body. This is your starting position.
  2. While maintaining the even position of the body and the natural deflection in the back, sit on the working leg so that her thigh reaches the parallel with the floor. The knee of this leg during the squat should not go beyond the sock line. The center of gravity is on the heel of the working leg, but the sock does not come off the floor. The knee of the supporting leg freely falls down.
  3. Push the heel off the floor and return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 10-15 times and change the leg. Do 3-4 approaches for each side. If a leg requires special attention, increase the load on it.

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