How to Calf Raise Plate Loaded Variation | Exercise Videos & Guides

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How to Calf Raise Plate Loaded Variation: Plate Loaded standing

Let’s look at the most popular calf raise plate loaded variation exercises.

How to Calf Raise Plate Loaded Variation
How to Executing Calf Raise Plate Loaded Variation


Content of the article

  1. Muscular Atlas Calf Raise
  2. Atlas Calf Raise Involved muscle groups
  3. Executing Calf Raise
  4. Technique Calf Raise

4.1 Standing Calf Raises on a Machine

4.2 Video Training, Calf Muscle

4.3 Hack Machine Calf Raise

5. Myths Calf Training

6. Recommendations

7. Conclusion


1. Muscular Atlas Calf Raise

Rises on standing socks are the main insulating exercise for the development of gastrocnemius. When they are performed, the main load falls on the calf muscles, when we’re sitting (the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees), the load shifts to a smaller soleus muscle that lies under the calves and pushes them outward.

3. What muscle groups are involved in the Calf Raise

  • Targeted – calves;
  • synergists – soleus;
  • stabilizers – trapezium upper / middle, buttock small / medium, shoulder blade.

4. Executing Calves Raise

When you exercise you will feel a lot of advantages

  1. Workout of calf strength;
  2. Increase in muscle volume of the calf muscles;
  3. Burns fat by female type (especially important for girls);
  4. The creation of a beautiful slender form of the bottom of the legs;
  5. Stimulates other muscles of the legs
  6. Prevention of Achilles tendon injury;
  7. Increased control over plantarflexion;
  8. Increase in vertical jump (on average 25-30 cm);
  9. Balance/balance improvement.

5. Technique Calf Raise

Despite the apparent simplicity, the exercise has its own characteristics. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

5.1 Standing Calf Raises on a Machine

Standing Calf Raises on a Machine
Technique of execution Calf Raises on a Machine


How to:

Step # 1.

Approach the simulator for lifting to the socks, set the necessary weight on it, and adjust the height position in accordance with your growth. Place your shoulders under soft supports, and feet (by placing them parallel to each other), stand on the edge of the lower platform/step (do not block your knees, they should be slightly bent). Unlock the simulator and with a straight back, as much as possible “selling” feet down, stretching your Calf. This is your starting position.

Step # 2.

On exhalation, start lifting your heels, while cutting the calves. Using the muscles of the lower leg, ascend as far as possible upwards and stay 1-2 sec., in the shortened calf position. Slowly and under control on inspiration, return to the start position. Repeat the specified number of times.

5.2 Video Training, Calf Muscle Guide:

Follow 3 approaches in which there will be 15-20 repetitions with an average weight and 12-15 repetitions with the maximum for your level of training


See Article: Most Popular Calf Raise Workout

5.3 Hack Machine Calf Raise

How to Do Perfect Calf Raise
How to Perfect Calf Raise

How to: 

To executing exercise you will need the plate machine (hack machine). You need to become to the face of the simulator as in the picture above, and put shoulders under the rollers. Remove the stops of the simulator. Legs are standing on the platform, begin to rise slowly, pushing yourself with your toes. At the top point of maximum shin contraction, pause 1-2 seconds. and return to the starting position.

6. Myths Calf Training

Many visitors the gym (this applies to beginners) hope that the calves will grow on its own in squats and other exercises:

  • Heavy squat.
  • Deadlift (and deadlift).
  • Running and other cardio exercises.

The lower leg muscles always perform a stabilizing position in many exercises, while endurance increases in the muscle but the volumes remain the same. If nature has not gifted you with a big calf, then you definitely need to include massive shin workouts in your training programs.

7. Recommendations

  1. The calf muscles are a small group of muscles consisting of the soleus muscle and lower leg. The calf responds well to the load of large weights, but use weights comparable to the level of your preparation.
  2. Change exercise every 3-4 weeks.
  3. Perform 2-3 times a week exercises on the shin, with a scheme of 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.


8. Conclusion

To train your shin productively, follow these guidelines:

  1. Pump your shin from the first days of training.
  2. Do not use excess weight if this prevents you from performing the technically correct exercise
  3. Use the alternation method: at each workout, perform different types of calf lifts.
    You can see the options in our article:

Remember that the most important thing in training is: nutrition, healthy sleep and proper exercise

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