How to Chest And Triceps Supersets Workout | Tips, Benefits

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Chest And Triceps Supersets Workout – Muscles to Grow Bigger

Today we will consider how to do supersets workout on the chest and triceps.

Chest And Triceps Superset Workout
Chest And Triceps Superset Workout


Muscles that are used when working on Chest 

Exercise refers to the class of basic / compound and has as its goal the study of chest.

The muscular ensemble includes the following units:

  • Targeting – a large pectoral (sternal head);
  • Synergists – a large thoracic (clavicle), anterior delta, triceps;
  • Dynamic stabilizers – biceps (short head).
Bench Press How one Superset Workout
Bench Press

Variations supersets on the Chest Press

Changing the grip and using different angles of the bend, you can work out different muscle groups on chest. For example, the following options for bench presses are possible.

Variations on the Chest Press Supersets Workout
Variations on the Chest Press

Technique of execution Chest Press 


The bench press lying on a wide grasp refers to exercises of an average level of complexity. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Technique of execution Chest Press
Technique of execution Chest Press

Step # 1.

Approach the horizontal bench and lie on it, bring the shoulder blades, slightly bend in the middle section of the waist until the arch forms, rigidly rest your feet on the floor and statically tension the press. Using a wide grip (wider than the width of the shoulders), grasp off the barbell on the racks. Pull off the projectile and lock at the top.

This is your starting position.

Step # 2.

On inspiration slowly and under control, lower the bar down to the touch of the middle of the chest. Hold at the bottom of the trajectory for 1-2 counts and then exhale powerfully squeeze the shell vertically upwards, returning the barbell to the start position. Repeat the specified the desired number of repetitions.

Extension of hands lying with dumbbells

Extension of hands lying with dumbbells
How to Do Extension of hands lying with dumbbells


Exercise refers to the class of insulating, i.e. there is movement only in one joint and the main work is performed by only one muscle group.

Muscle exercises include:

  • Targeting – the triceps brachialis muscle;
  • synergists – no;
  • stabilizers – front / rear deltas, large thoracic (clavicle, sternal heads), broadest back muscle, large round, ulnar flexor / extensor of wrist.

Technique of execution hands lying with dumbbells – It is one supersets workout.

Technique of execution hands lying with dumbbells | is one supersets exercises
Hands lying with dumbbells | supersets exercises


Despite the apparent simplicity, the exercise has its own characteristics. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step # 1.

Take a dumbbell couple, lie down on a horizontal bench, holding dumbbells in front of you. Your hands should be completely straightened and be at an angle of 90 degrees to the body and the floor. The palms with dumbbells look at each other (neutral grip / hammer), and the elbows are “tucked inside”. This is your starting position.

Step # 2.

Inhale and keeping your elbows immobile, bend your arms, lowering the dumbbells to the position next to the ears (stay in the bottom position for 1-2 counts). While keeping the elbows and shoulders stationary due to the force of the triceps, squeeze out the dumbbells, unbending the arms and returning the dumbbells to the starting position, exhaling the force. Repeat the specified number of times.

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