How to Do T-BAR Row Exercise, Tips, Benefits

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How to Do T-BAR Row Exercise

T-bar Row Exercise – is designed to workout the large muscles of the back. The movement is similar in mechanics with barbell row, however it is somewhat easier to control the correctness of the exercise here.

How to Do T-Bar Row
How to Do T-Bar Row


T-Bar Row exercise – for grow of the Huge Muscles Back

Due to this, the athlete can work with more weight scales, not allowing the risk of injury.

The pull of the T-bar is undemanding to the equipment it can be done both in a special simulator and with a conventional barbell.

T-bar row, which muscles work?

When performing the T-Bar Row, the muscles of almost the entire bodywork, from bottom to top:

  • Widest
  • Trapeze
  • Diamond-shaped
  • Big round
  • Rear deltas
  • Back extensors
  • Lumbar muscles
  • Neck muscles
  • Biceps
  • Forearms
  • Quads
  • Press

Note: when talking about the middle of the back, they mean the middle and lower trapeze. When doing this exercise, they receive a very strong targeted load. Many pros don’t do trapeze exercises at all, pumping them with T-Bar Row. No other movement loads these parts of the back so much.

See a Video How Arnold Doing T-Bar Row Exercises

Working Muscles with T-Bar Row

The main load during the movement is on the latissimus dorsi muscles of the back.

Muscles work:

  • Trapezium;
  • Large round;
  • Diamond-shaped muscles;
  • Extensors of the spine and rear deltas.

T- Bar Row Exercise – the main place very well pump muscle of the back especially in place between the shoulder blades.

T-bar row exercises grow several large groups of muscles. This allows you to get a good load and form a beautiful and wide back.

How to Execution T-Bar Row Exercise

T-bar row can be carried out both on a special simulator, and with the help of a classic barbell, at one end of which have a weight plate.

Simulators for T-Bar Row come in different types. Some of them allow you to perform the exercise lying down.

But there is a significant disadvantage – it is impossible to achieve a deflection in the lower back, due to which the maximum reduction of the latissimus dorsi muscles of the back is shaped.

Tips T-Bar Row



  1. Set the required number of plates to one end of the bar.
  2. The other end barbell place in the corner or ask your partner to fix it with the foot.
  3. If there is a special handle fix it on the barbell closer to the plate. Another option Grasp T-bar, the barbell is taken with both hands barbell closer to the plate.
  4. One hand is placed in front other is behind after each approach changes your hands.
  5. Place the barbell between the legs, lean with a straight back, bending your knees.
  6. Grasp the barbell as hard as possible, stretch the abs.
  7. Raise the body so that you tear the barbell plate off the floor, movement should be performed at the expense of the muscles of the back.
  8. Bend your knees so you can control the exercise.

Execution of traction:

  • On exhalation at the expense muscles of the back, tighten the bar to yourself. The elbows move close to the body.
  • Hold the bar for a second at the top, reducing the shoulder blades and achieving a peak muscle contraction.
  • On the breath, smoothly lower the bar to its original position, while you should feel the stretching of the back muscles. Elbows at the bottom point to the end do not unbend, plate remains on weight.

Execution T-Bar Row 8-12 reps. Rest for 1 minute and do 1-2 more approaches, this is a basic exercise it should be performed at the beginning of the workout.

How to replace T-Bar Row?

No other back exercise can replace the T-Bar Row 100%. The alternative can be just:

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