The Ultimate Dumbbell Bicep Tutorial Workout, Benefits Training

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The Ultimate Dumbbell Bicep Workout

Your biceps need an ultimate of exercises in method to constantly grow and progress. You need to dumbbell bicep workout free weights biceps exercises into your workout routine.

How to Do Dumbbell Bicep Workout

The size of the biceps plays an important role in the developed form of the athlete. To achieve significant results, it is necessary not only to constantly progress in the weights when working on the biceps but also to choose the right exercises for this purpose.

Every newcomer to bodybuilding needs to consider that the biceps only look good when the rest of the body musculature is uniformly and well developed.

The biceps should be in proportion to the rest of the muscles. You cannot train exclusively the biceps and neglect the rest of the muscles. All muscles should be worked out equally, and biceps exercises can be combined with triceps, and train it no more than once a week, experienced athletes can train biceps and 2 times a week if it is a muscle that is lagging.

Biceps Workout

The ultimate dumbbell bicep workout is always aimed at developing the shape of the biceps and increasing the strength of the arms. The strength of your arms significantly increases the strength of the bench press, deadlift, and other exercises. This also applies to various sports, in which the main emphasis and load are placed on the work of the hands.

Ultimate Biceps Workout at Home with Dumbbells

The conditions in which beginner athletes train are different. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym. Lack of access to the gym does not mean that you need to stop training altogether. There are many exercises that you can do at home without any problems. These include push-ups.

This exercise aims to work out the biceps and use the muscles of the chest, arms, and shoulder girdle. Its implementation does not require a large free space or special sports equipment. To increase the load, if such a need exists, a backpack is put on the back, in which the load is put.

Biceps Weights Training

Dumbbell exercises allow you to build your biceps as simply and efficiently as possible. You can perform them both in the gym and at home.

Dumbbell Curls

Performed using conventional dumbbells. They give maximum results if done on a bench.
The exercise is very simple:

How to Do Dumbbell Curls

How to Do:

  • Sit on a chair (bench);
  • Take dumbbells in both rivers;
  • Bend and then extend your elbows while holding the dumbbells.

| See How to Do Dumbbell Curls

Beginners are advised to do 8 to 12 repetitions. When the reps become easy, the dumbbell weights need to be increased. The number of recommended approaches is 3-4 times.

  1. The arms curl on exhalation, uncurl on inhalation.
  2. You can do the exercise with different hand positions.
  3. Hands can be in weight, with your elbow resting on the upper thigh or knee.
  4. The biceps curl can be alternated. The main thing is to bend and unbend your arms at a slow pace, not at a fast pace. If you do not follow this “rule”, the maximum degree of load will not be exerted on the biceps.

The exercise is simple but effective. Dumbbell lifts from a seated position fully engage the biceps muscle, work out and make it bigger.

Hammer Curl

Dumbbell hammer curl pumps and shapes the side of the biceps (brachialis), and is performed with dumbbells:

How to Do Hammer Curl

How to Do:

  • Stand up straight;
  • Hands with dumbbells are lowered at the sides;
  • Fingers turn to the hips;
  • Dumbbells alternately rise to the shoulder.
  • The number of repetitions is similar to the previous exercise (8-12), and 3 sets.

For the correct execution of the hammer curl, you need to ensure that the legs do not bend, the back remains level, and the elbows do not move too far forward. The load should be directed exclusively to the biceps muscle. When one arm is raised, the other is strained and slightly bent at the elbow, keeping the biceps in tension.

The hand is fix held in the upper position for a second or two. If the exercise is difficult to perform, it is permissible to slightly bend your back. It should be borne in mind that throughout the exercise, the back must be fixed in one position. You need to look in front of you, not down or up.

You can raise your hands alternately or both at the same time. In the latter case, the load will increase. Regardless of this, it is necessary to control that the dumbbells are lifted exclusively by the effort of the biceps, without the help of the torso or legs, and exclude the dumbbells swinging.

The hammer curl – is an exercise that is suitable for both experienced athletes and novice bodybuilders. The hammer trains both the biceps and promotes the uniform development of the brachioradialis muscles. Thus, both of these biceps groups grow in proportion to each other.

Pull-up on the Horizontal Bar

how to do pull ups

When the horizontal bar is in the yard or at home, doing pull-ups is a great exercise for developing biceps. Pull-ups can be with a reverse or a direct grip. To get a noticeable result, you need to do at least three approaches. The number of repetitions in each approach varies from 10 to 15 times.

The load should be increased only when pull-ups begin to be given easily. This can be done by hanging extra weight from your legs or by increasing the number of reps. To get the most out of the pull-ups, the arms are fully extended at the lowest point.

| See more How to do Pull-ups

Biceps Workout with Dumbbells Chart in the Gym 

In the gym, the biceps can be pumped up much faster. This is because the bodybuilder has the ability to do many more exercises, not three or four. A special role in this is played by simulators that are available to the athlete in the gym. They allow you to work on both individual parts and the entire biceps muscle.

The coach will always tell a novice athlete how to make effective training and ensure when performing complex exercises. If it is dangerous to do concentrated biceps lifting with maximum weight at home, then in the gym this exercise can be safely included in the training program.

It is possible to effectively work out the muscles only when the exercises are done without cheating, that is, without neglecting the technique in favor of the number of repetitions.

Incline Dumbbell Curls

How to Do Incline Dumbbell Curls

How to Do:

To perform the exercise, they sit on an incline bench, take dumbbells in their hands. The back is pressed against the back, the legs – against the floor surface. Bending your elbows, they are raised in turn. When the hand is raised to the maximum, the hand is turned towards itself as much as possible. The main thing is that the elbows do not move forward.

Scott’s Bench Dumbbell Curl

How to Do Scott's Dumbbell Curl

How to Do:

Dumbbells curls on Scott’s bench with dumbbells are the best way to work your biceps muscles. Fixing the shoulders on the Scott bench allows you to focus all the load on the biceps. The exercise works best on the lower biceps. In cases where the athlete is experiencing severe tension in the area of the wrist, the dumbbells can be replaced with a Z-shaped barbell.

The dumbbell bicep workout is performed in 3 sets. Each has 8 to 12 repetitions.

Biceps Exercises on Simulators

The complex of training for pumping up the biceps will be complete if it includes working out the muscles using simulators. This will significantly increase the productivity of your workouts.

Cable Curl

How to Do Cable Curl

How to Do:

  1. Stand in front of the simulator;
  2. Take a reverse grip on the handlebar of the lower block;
  3. Bending your elbows, the handlebar is pulled to the shoulders;
  4. Return to starting position.

So that the entire load is focused only on the biceps, the elbows are pressed against the body. An alternative option would be to use a rope. The fingers point towards each other if the exercise is performed with the help of a rope.

Overhead Cable Curl

How to Do Overhead Cable Curl

How to Do:

Standing straight, legs are shoulder-width apart. With your hands, grab the handles of the simulator, and begin to bend them towards your head. When the arms are curled, they should remain tense, the weight does not fully extend. On inhalation, the arms are extended, and on exhalation, they curl. The recommended number of repetitions is 8-12 times. Approaches are made from 2-3.

Most often, the crossover curl is performed as a final exercise at the end of the workout.

Tips for Effective Biceps Training

The key to success properly with an organized dumbbell bicep workout. This avoids both injury and excessive fatigue. If the athlete visits the gym every day, biceps exercises are performed 1-2 times a week. A “day off” allow the muscles to recover.

You need to start a lesson only after a warm-up. Otherwise, tendon rupture is likely.

Intense training cannot be done daily. The athlete needs a day off for muscle recovery. It can be devoted to a visit to the sauna or pool.

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