How to pump up the muscles of the chest?

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Hello everybody. In this issue we will talk about how to pump up the muscles of the chest in the shortest possible time.

Why do not many people develop breasts?
The reasons for which your pectoral muscles do not grow, there are a whole lot. I pondered and compiled the concrete actual causes that are really basic:


  • There is no progression of loads (ie there is no regular increase in working weights, constant work with the same weights).
  • Wrong technique of performing exercises (+ do not feel the muscles of the chest, there is no mental connection between the brain and muscles, in this case, the brain-pectoral muscles).
  • Incorrect distribution of emphasis in the development of parts of the muscles of the breast.

No progression of loads.

How much I already wrote about it, I proved and prove that without progression of the load, about any mother his growth of muscles and speech can not be !!! IF NO LOAD PROGRESS (increase the weight of shells), then the muscles DO NOT MEAN TO GROW!

Progression of the load can be achieved in various ways:

  • Increase weight on the projectile (increase weights)
  • Increase the number of repetitions in the approach
  • Increase the number of approaches
  • Reduce rest between approaches
    beginner enough to adhere to at least 1 method. Those. constantly from workout to workout to increase working weight.

Read the main article: What is the progression of loads, how to use it correctly.



Chest exercises

Wrong technique of performing the exercise (there is no mental connection between the brain and pectoral muscles).
Well this is the second main reason. It’s not unusual for you to constantly smart guys say that it is vital to learn the correct technique of doing exercises. On this depends on how your brain will work. Those. if the technique is correct, the brain will be many times easier to reduce the muscles you need, in our case it’s the chest. And this means that the better the technique is developed (+ the mental connection of the BRAIN-MUSCLE) the faster you will grow.


Understand me correctly, now we are talking about the technique of the BRAIN-MUSCLE, and not about the technique of performing the exercise itself. It may be that, for example, you have a good technique for doing the exercise, but there is no mental connection between the brain and muscles, which means that the muscles will not shrink as effectively as they could. But if you have the correct technique (ideal) + developed a mental connection of the brain-muscle, then your muscles will shrink as effectively as possible!

But now I would like to talk a little about the technique of doing the exercise itself. Those. you seem to be doing everything right, but the breast still does not grow, and everything, because most of the load takes on the triceps and the front deltas.

What is the way out of this situation?

Learn how to do the exercises correctly, this time is ALREADY REALLY CORRECT. So to turn off the triceps and front deltas, and maintain a constant tension in the pectoral muscles.
Incorrect distribution of emphasis in the development of parts of the muscles of the breast
Friends, remember: If your goal is to increase the size of the breast (hypertrophy), then you need to start with those parts of the chest muscles that ALWAYS LEAVE, and not from those departments that allow you to harvest more weight. Now we are talking primarily about the UPPER PART of the BREAST and slightly about the internal parts of the muscles of the BREAST. Because it is these two departments that give your pectoral muscles the size (volume) of an impressionable appearance, and these two divisions are developing so poorly.

And in practice, the opposite is true. The main exercise is recommended to press the barbell on a horizontal bench and rows of other similar exercises (on a flat surface). In short, many even pray for this exercise. And to sense from it (a hypertrophy of muscles of a breast). Do not expect.

In general, it is loudly said. Horizontal Bench press, of course, gain the muscles of the chest (but not the parts that interest us), it develops the lower part of the chest. And on the way out, the majority gets just the overdeveloped lower part of the pectoral muscles, with the total absence of the upper part. This is a sad sight, take my word for it. In addition, if such a guy abandons training, then the lower part of the breasts may also sag (finally the appearance of the breast will be ruined).

Therefore, I urge you to begin training with the top of the pectoral muscles. And finish already in the lower department. To put it more precisely, about 80% of your training of the pectoral muscles should fall on the upper part, and the rest is already bottom. AND THEN THE LOWER CHEST PURE OPTIONAL.

CONCLUSION: We make accents on the upper part of the pectoral muscles, on the lower chest you can either score or do a minimum of approaches. Then your breasts will finally start to grow, and even more evenly and eventually it will look aesthetically pleasing.



Chest muscles are a pushing group of muscles, in fact it can be divided into two categories:

  1. The presses (presses of dumbbells, barbells, various simulators)
  2. Wiring (in a crossover simulator, a hummer, wiring with dumbbells and more)


In the presses involve two joints (ulnar and brachial) – this means the basic exercises.

Dumbbell Flies exercises works only the shoulder joint (and the ulnar is fixed) – this means isolating exercises.

Now we will begin with the basic exercises for pectoral muscles, as they are purposefully directed to the growth of strength and mass of muscles.


  1. Dumbbells
  2. Barbell
  3. Training apparatus


  1. Inclined bench (upside down)
  2. Horizontal bench (flat surface)
  3. Inclined bench (DOWN HEAD)


the position of the hands with bench press


  1. Wide grip
  2. Medium grip
  3. Narrow grip

On the sloping bench (upside down), the upper part of the chest, the lower one, works most of all. But the slope should not be too big (no more than 35 degrees), usually in fitness halls (the benches are set incorrectly, there is a slope of more than 45 degrees) on such benches there is no sense in performing pressures, because all the load is borne by deltas and triceps. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the angle of inclination (take an adjustable bench and set it no more than 30-35 degrees) and then go to exercise.

On the horizontal bench and the bench upside down (ie, the slope is low), the lower part of the chest works most of all + deltas and triceps are included in the work. Not beneficial (for hypertrophy of the muscles of the chest).

The wider your grip – the smaller the amplitude of movement (the work becomes easier). But with this style deltas are included.
The narrower your grip is, the greater the amplitude of the movement (the work becomes harder). But with this type of work, the triceps are switched on very much.
I recommend that you stick to the golden mean (ie the average grip).

Well, enough words. Let’s finally get to the exercises themselves. (TYPES OF PUSH UP)

Press the bar on an incline bench (upside down)
Pressing dumbbells on an incline bench (upside down)
ALL. THIS IS YOUR TWO MAIN EXERCISES! They are mega-efficient because they are basic, they will grow your pectoral muscles.

The exercises flise dumbbells (not as important as the 2 previous ones, but still useful).

THAT’S ALL. The first two exercises can not be changed to some other. In no case! The last third exercises (Flise) are an isolating exercise (they form your chest) they do not grow mass. Therefore, at the initial stage (beginners) they should not be performed. The most important thing for you is to concentrate on the first TWO (basic movements).

Slanted upside down presses

These are two mega-effective exercises (they will grow your pectoral muscles, in any case do not change them to any other, the effect is immediately lost). Okay, enough. Let’s analyze the features of doing these exercises.

Since the inclined barbell and dumbbell presses are very similar in technique, I decided to combine them together.

Incline barbell bench press.

dumbbell press


These are two mega-effective exercises (they will grow your pectoral muscles, in any case do not change them to any other, the effect is immediately lost). Okay, enough. Let’s analyze the features of doing these exercises.

Since the inclined barbell and dumbbell presses are very similar in technique, I decided to combine them together.

The main difference between a barbell and dumbbells is the amplitude of the movement. Those. when you press a dumbbell (there is no bar), so with a dumbbell the amplitude of the movement is much greater (and due to this you can lower the dumbbells as low as possible), which in turn will give you additional tension of the stabilizer muscles (which are in slip during the barbell press ). In general, dumbbell bench presses are harder to press barbells.

For example, if you press a barbell under 100 kg, then you will not press 100kg dumbbells. (ie with dumbbells work is harder, the amplitude is greater, etc.). I believe that with the proper set of dumbbells, the correct technique + the technique of mental communication-the brain of the muscle and the constant progression of the load-the dumbbell bench presses can be used as the first exercise in the arsenal. Because it is more effective than the barbell.

As for approaches and repetitions, who would like to study this issue in more detail, I recommend reading the main articles:


How many do approaches in exercises?
How many repetitions in exercises?
For those who are lazy, in a nutshell.

APPROACHES: 3-4 approaches (working) after 2-3 warming up with light weight (for 10-20 repetitions).

REPS: 6-12 repetitions.

The bench tilt: 30-35 DEGREES NOT MORE!

Breathing: exhalation on effort. Those. You lower down, take a breath, squeeze up make an exhalation.

Constantly use the progression of loads. Below there will be a link, it is obligatory to perusal (there it is told about how correctly to use a progression of loads).

P.S. Pay attention, in time you will reach the heavy shells (dumbbells) where some people ask for help to lift dumbbells.

Remember the important rule: If you can not lift dumbbells yourself, then they are too heavy for you. And it’s too early for you to work with them.

I also recommend that you learn the correct technique of lifting dumbbells from the floor and throwing them to perform bench press.

Dumbbell Сhest fly.

Finally, we reached the last exercise in our arsenal. This exercise is isolating, your chest . It does not grow muscle mass, at the initial stage for beginners is useless (ie there is no need to perform it). But for the more advanced and for those who want to finish off their tired pectoral muscles at the end of training after the presses – why not.

chest exercises correctnes


In this exercise, you do not need to use the progression of the load. Because there is no need (these are isolating exercises in which one joint is involved) do not chase the weights (I repeat, this exercise does not increase the mass), otherwise you will simply get injured, and for a long time don’t with bodybuilding.

The angle of the bench during the wiring of dumbbells can be left as it was, ie. inclined (30-35 degrees) and you can experiment and choose the best for yourself.

There are two rules:

  • The slope is negative – the more isolated the breast will work, and the emphasis is mainly on the lower part of the chest.
  • The slope is more positive – the more evenly the breast will work, but the deltas will turn on.

P.S. I recommend you to pinch the brush at the top of the movement (when you take your hands off). Thanks to this method, the breasts will be better included in the work.

Just want to say that this exercise can be replaced by another isolating exercise, such as a crossover.

Training programs for pectoral muscles.

Now I will write you the most effective complexes for the growth of your pectoral muscles. Based on this article, of course.



  • Press the barbell on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Press of dumbbells on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • The dumbbells chest fly 4×6-12

That’s all. This is the most effective complex for the growth of the muscles of the breast. Those. I repeat, the first two exercises are basic (they are basic, they will grow your breast). The last flying (insulating) they are not so important, especially for beginners. You can safely remove them (if you are at the initial stage or you do not have time). In addition, you can change the last exercise to some other isolation, for example:

  • Press the barbell on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Press of dumbbells on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Crossover at the top blocks 4х10-15


  • Press the barbell on an incline bench 4×612
  • Press of dumbbells on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Push-ups on the beams 4×6-12


  • Press of dumbbells on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars 4×6-12
  • Dumbbell fly the head up 4×6-12


  • Press of dumbbells on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Press the barbell on an incline bench 4×6-12
  • Beams (accent chest of course) 4×6-12
  • Dumbbell fly 3×10-15
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