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Handstand – training in the right technique

handstand exercises



A handstand is quite a difficult exercise that will require you not only general physical training, but also well-developed coordination of movements. This exercise is used in crossfit, bodybuilding, gymnastics and can be part of the training programs with their own weight of advanced level.

Why stand on your hands?

In addition to the fact that the stand itself on the hands looks very impressive and allows you to demonstrate the physical shape of the athlete, this is a very useful exercise in the training plan.

The argument to learn how to perform this exercise can be any of the following:

  • The rack on the hands gives a powerful load of muscle. The main emphasis is on the shoulder girdle, arm muscles.
  • Traning coordination, a sense of balance, and the overall level of control over one’s own body. The benefits of such training are obvious not only in the gym, but also in ordinary life.
  • The inverted posture improves blood circulation. Blood flows to the brain, strengthening the nutrition of its cells with oxygen.


It is not recommended to perform a handstand if the following conditions exist:

  • Injuries to the shoulder, elbow joints or wrists.
  • Problems with the spine.
  • Intracranial pressure, headache, head trauma.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Period of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases, menstruation or pregnancy at a later date.

Technique of the Exercise




Before proceeding to the development of the stand on the hands without support, one should learn to perform the exercise near the wall.

An important stage of training is to overcome the psychological fear of falling when going into the rack. Therefore, even for athletes with a good physical preparation, it is recommended that the first time be done with support on the wall or using the help of a partner who can hedge in case of loss of balance. You can put a gym mat in front of you, so that if you fall forward on your back, he softens the blow. But in any case, hands should only be placed on a hard surface.

handstand exercises


Stand on the hands of the wall:

  1. Stand facing the wall at a distance of two steps. Take out one leg forward. The leg on which you are standing still will form a straight line with the body throughout the movement.
  2. With a quick movement, spring step on the forward leg and sharply lean over the straight hull, turning in the hip. The second leg thus straightens upward, making a swing motion. Hands should stand on the floor 10-15 cm from the wall. The head should be lowered downwards.
  3. The second leg elastically push from the floor. The power of the jolt and the inertia of the swing will allow the pelvis and legs to be thrown up and out into the rack on the hands. Try to stand as flat as possible, without sagging in the shoulders and not bending the lower back. The body needs to be pulled into a string. Look forward to yourself.
  4. When fall down, first lower one leg, then the other.

If you want to learn how to stand on your hands without support for a long time, practice a stand near the wall is not recommended. This is due to the fact that when supporting the wall, the body weight is not distributed evenly and involuntarily there is a deflection in the lower back, which ideally should not be. Therefore, as soon as you work out the technique of getting into the rack at the wall, start gradually to tear off her legs, and then at all to get on your hands without touching the wall with your feet.

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