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Face Direction Preacher Curl Bench for Biceps Exercises

Lifting dumbbells to the biceps on the inclined bench face down – is a power, isolating exercise aimed at working out the biceps muscle.

The main working muscular group: the biceps arm muscle.


  • Auxiliary muscle groups: forearms.

Lifting dumbbells to the biceps on the inclined bench face down is the technique of execution.

  • Accept the starting position, lying on your belly on the incline bench, keep the dumbbells in the lowered hands, as shown in the figure. Slightly bend your arm in the elbow joint, straining your biceps.
Face Direction Preacher Curl Bench
Face Direction Preacher Curl Bench


  1. On exhalation, lift the bar to the biceps. Keep the arm piece from elbow to shoulder immovable. In the exercise, only the forearms work. Do not let your hands sway.
  2. Make a short pause at the top of the amplitude of the movement, reduction the biceps muscle. On inhalation, slowly return the weight to its original position.
  3. Carry out the necessary number of repetitions.

Perform this exercise can be done with barbell or using the EZ-bar.


Face Direction Preacher Curl Bench


Variants of the biceps exercise:

Execute 3-4 approaches with the maximum permissible weight with a shorter can do 10-12 repetitions. Rest between approaches 60-90 sec.

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