How to Story Weight loss for 12 Weeks

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An amazing story, a guy’s losing weight for 12 Weeks

Within 12 weeks I shot this video in order to have a video report of the work done.

How to Story Weight loss for 12 Weeks


Start training Weight loss

I decided that me need to bring yourself to the standard, because the stomach and overall shape wished for the best. I went to train in the gym and used the site I watched here training for the shoulders, chest, legs, press, hands, watched immediately the video, training, it helped me, because I did not take the coach.

Diets with losing weight



In order to lose weight it was necessary to adjust first of all their food, to eat nutritional needs about 4-5 times a day, in small portions, about 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, about 4-5 grams of carbohydrates, but carbohydrates are calculated individually for each the body since the metabolism of all is different, if you have it very fast maybe you need and 6 grams per 1kg of weight

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