How to Lose Belly Fat In 30 Days: Simple Exercises + Diet Plan

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How to Lose Belly Fat In 30 Days (Simple Exercises + Diet Plan)

Let’s take a look at the exercises, diet plans, and training program so you can start lose belly fat today.

Lose Belly Fat
How to Lose Belly Fat Exercises + Diet Plan


Content of the Article:

  1. Nutrition Features
  2. Sports Nutrition Supplements
  3. Base exercises for Lose Belly
  4. Principles workout
  5. Cardio Tips


A beautiful body is a symbiosis of hard work and proper nutrition. No training on a sculpted body for men will lead to the desired result if you eat everything in a row. And, on the contrary, on only low-calorie nutrition you will only lose weight, but do not create a sports figure. However, in spite of everything, it is quite possible for an ordinary person to get a beautiful and sculpted body.

Gain Mass or Relief?

And let’s try to do both this and that at the same time. It will turn out a cross between the mass and the relief.

How to Achieve Relief and Lose Belly Fat 

How to build relief muscles without sport chemistry and is it real?

Each person has his own genetically determined minimum percentage of fat. You can’t overcome it without an exhausting and long-term diet (is it necessary to do this at all for losing belly fat ?) Therefore, not everyone is given the opportunity to see the perfect outlined cubes on their press, like those of top bodybuilders.

A flat belly and beautiful relief? Everyone can achieve this, especially if there is no excess weight. In this case, the body sculpt work will be successful.

Your task is patience and will. You will need patience in order to wait for the result and not to give up everything you started. And the will is to overcome oneself and adhere to a certain diet.

The foundation of any bodybuilding training program is nutrition. This is more than half of your success. The main task of nutrition is to create a calorie deficit without compromising brain activity and the functioning of the whole body. Together with training, this will help to create, if not a super relief, then a pumping and beautiful body – that’s for sure.


Nutrition Features + Diet Plan

To create a relief body at home or in the hall for lose belly fat, you need to limit yourself to carbohydrates: pure sugar, chocolate, muffin, pasta. Forget about sweet soda water – this is not for you. To burn 100 ml of drunk cola, you need to run hard for 5 minutes on a treadmill. A small 330 ml can cost you 15 minutes of running at a good pace. In words, this is not so scary, but everything changes when you step on the track, turn on the timer, and set the speed to at least 12 km per hour.

You should increase the amount of protein food, reduce carbohydrates and slightly reduce fat. Check weighing on an empty stomach once a week. So you can accurately understand whether something is changing in your body. If the figure’s weight remains at the same level – you need to slightly lower calorie.


belly fat exercise
Lost Belly Fat Workout Plan


Sports Nutrition & Supplements

How to give relief and lose belly fat to a male body without additives?

Pretty hard. Proper balanced food needs a lot. Sports nutritional concentrates – protein isolates, vitamins, individual amino acids, and joint protectors – are golden helpers in this matter. The body of an athlete requires much more nutrients to maintain its shape than the body of an inactive layman.

Which is better – 1 kg of oranges or a tablet with ascorbic acid? Both that and that is not bad.

Nutrition Supplements
Sports Nutrition Supplements

Exercises Lose Belly Fat & Another Parts Body

Training programs for muscle relief can be done by yourself, then I will list the exercises and options and performances to make myself relief legs, relief back, abs, and the other parts body.

The Best 5 Base Exercises for Lose Weight 

Basic training remains in your program. All three basic exercises (bench press, squat, deadlift) should continue to be done in the same way as during weight gain. If your power drops a little – do not worry. Relief training is associated with weight loss, some muscles can also go away with strength.

Perform 2 approaches with a working weight, so as not to lose your strength indicators, and then 3 approaches with a small weight for relief.

1. Shoulders

It seems to us that exercises for the biceps, shoulders, and chest do not participate in burning fat on belly, but this is a misconception, since the fat does not go away locally. All exercises employ fat burning, also on the lose belly fat.

1.1 Raises Dumbbells to the Chin

You can do this exercise with a dumbbell. This will create a relief of the muscles of the shoulders and top of the trapezium. Do 4 sets of 20 times at a pace with light weight or 12-15 times with a heavier weight.

Dumbbell Raise
Dumbbell Raise


2. Arms

2.2 Triceps Cable Pushdown

Use V bar for triceps cable pushdown (straight and curved), do 2 sets with a heavy weight of 8 reps, and then 2 sets with a lighter weight so many times to cause muscle failure. The relief of your arm muscles will look fine.

How to Do Cable Pushdown
Cable Pushdown workout

How to make your hands relief with these exercises? Do 2-3 exercises for one muscle group per workout.

3. Chest

3.1 Dumbbell Fly

By Fly dumbbells at different angles, you will create a good relief of the pectoral muscles. Use a horizontal bench, change the angle of inclination, make breeding upside down. Perform each option, this is 4 sets of 15-20 times.

dumbbell exercises flys

Cable Crossover

Cable chest in Crossover will replace your Dumbbell Chest Fly. We worked the upper body. But the relief figure implies a pumped up press and strong legs. Let’s start pumping them

4. Abdominal

How to make a relief body in the abs area and little lose belly fat? Pump your abs!
Do some abs exercises every workout. It can be straight and oblique twists, raises of the body and legs.

4.1 Ab Curl

abs exercises


Use the maximum number of repetitions in 3-4 approaches. Do not overload the press with additional weights. Do various exercises for the abdominal muscles from the bar to the dynamic options 2 times a week.

5. Legs

How to make leg relief?

With the help of extension leg, squat and leg press in the simulator. The leg press with different foot positions also pump and do relief muscle well. Do 15-20 repetitions in each approach.

leg press
leg press machine

For girls on the gym, it is better to do the squat and the leg press is best done with the feet wide, the knees turned to the sides. Then the gluteal muscles will turn on more.

Do not forget about the calves – we do several approaches of 15-20 lifts on them in the simulator to failure.

Benefits and Tips of Building a Workout

  1. First, we do basic exercises to lose belly fat, then choose 2-3 exercises from the above for one muscle group.
  2. In one training session, it is better to do 2 groups, for example, legs-shoulders, back-triceps, or biceps.
  3. For a week you need to work out the whole body – everything is standard here.
  4. Circular training in our case is not the best option – you will lose weight quickly, but as an experiment, you can try.
  5. Rest between hard approaches for as long as the body needs, and between failures for the number of times – 60–70 seconds.

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How to make the body relief without cardio? In general – no way. This is also a necessary exercise of the training. As a warm-up before training, any program for muscle relief should include running, an exercise bike. About 15 minutes of work will help you burn a few calories (namely, 0.33 liters of drunk cola), using muscle glycogen as fuel, and set your body to workout.

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