How to Do Pistol Squats, Technique, Benefits | Exercises Guide

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How to do Pistol Squats

Today we will consider the type of squat, in other words, Pistol Squats. This is a type of squat with one leg.

pistol squats
pistol squats exercises


What is it Pistol Squats?

Pistol Squats – The best home (and not only) exercise for the overall development of the muscular array of legs. Squats with a pistol is an indicator of the development of your legs, which shows how strong they are. To lift the weight of your body with one foot, an incredible amount of muscles are included in the work.

Muscle involved

  • The basic muscular group is quadriceps;
  • Muscles-synergists – a large gluteal, large leading, soleus;
  • Dynamic stabilizers – hamstring muscles, calf;
  • Stabilizers – spinal rectifiers, middle / small gluteal, square lumbar muscle, oblique /
  • Rectus abdomen;
  • Stabilizers with raised leg – iliopsoas muscle, stretcher of wide fascia of the thigh, comb muscle, sartorius muscle, quadriceps.
Pistol squat - Wrong executing
Pistol squat – Wrong executing


Benefits of Exercises

Before proceeding to the technical part, I will say that the exercise is very, very difficult to execute, it will not be possible to master it in one sitting. Therefore, be patient and prepare for various blockages and falls, this is normal. The most difficult thing in the performance of the pistol squat is holding the position of equilibrium, muscles that are responsible for this, you have not worked until now, then it takes time that muscles are ready and can correctly workout.

The step-by-step execution technique is as follows

Step # 1.

Approach the bench. Stand to her back, slightly touching the supporting leg. The initial position is legs on the width of the shoulders, one supporting (for example, the left one), the other is pushed in the knee bend and slightly forwarded up.

Step # 2.

On inhalation, start to squat, Perform a squat, bending the supporting leg, the second leg is parallel to the floor, and pulling to forward. Hold the body straight, look forward, sit on the bench.

Step # 3.

Sit as deep as you can without losing balance, on exhalation, with the combined effort of all the muscles of your left leg, move up and return to the start position. Repeat the specified number of times, change the foot.

Try also doing Proper Sumo Squat

Pistol squat - The Right Executing
Pistol squat – The Right Executing Workout
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