The 5 Best Outer Biceps Exercises, Benefits, Tutorial Routine

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The 5 Best Outer Biceps Exercises

Biceps Exercises
The 5 Best Outer Biceps Exercises, Tutorial Routine


The external biceps bundle, or rather the long head of the biceps brachii, is an important part of the development of the shape of the arms. If the short head is responsible for the peak of the biceps, its thickness, then without the development of the long head, the full volume and aesthetics of the shape of the biceps muscle cannot be achieved. Below are the best exercises for working out the outer biceps.


Principles of training the outer biceps

Best Outside Biceps Exercises

  1. How to Do Barbell biceps curl with a narrow grip
  2. How to Do Incline Dumbbell curl
  3. How to Do Seated Biceps Curl
  4. How to Do Alternate dumbbell curl
  5. How to Do Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls
  6. Conclusions


Principles of Outer Biceps Workout

  • The development of the biceps, like other muscles, should be proportional. In addition to biceps, if you want to get beautiful and voluminous arms, you need to train the triceps, including all three of its heads, and the brachialis muscle, which thickens the biceps, as if pushing it from the inside.
  • To provide a greater load on the outer biceps, it is necessary to perform some exercises, for example, barbell raises with a narrow grip. The narrow arrangement of the arms just includes the outer heads of the biceps, and the wide one, on the contrary, develops short or internal bundles.
  • The location of the elbows also plays an important role, as does the amplitude. The further the elbows go back beyond the axis of the spine, the more the long head of the biceps turns on. The larger the amplitude, the greater the impact on the long head, and the shorter it is, the stronger the short head works.
  • Remember that when training individual biceps bundles, you do not need to train in strength mode. In order to develop volumes, exercises 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions should be performed.

The Best Outer Biceps Exercises

Each exercise is effective in its own way, but it is important to choose the right weights to make your workout more productive. This does not mean that you need to training with a large working weight, on the contrary, in order to develop the shape of a long head of the biceps, the weight should be small, and the execution of the approach should be more concentrated. And the more the exercise isolates the biceps muscle, the less working weight is needed for this.

1) How to Do Barbell Biceps Curl with a Narrow Grip

This exercise is performed without supporting the back or arms – do the lifting of the bar without cheating (swing). Try to isolate the biceps from the stronger muscles as much as possible. If necessary, it is better to reduce the weight, but perform the technique correctly.

Biceps Curl Z-Bar
How to Do Barbell Biceps Curl with a Narrow Grip


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  2. Remove the bar from the racks with a narrow grip on the bottom. It is better to use a Z- bar to relieve stress on the joints.
  3. With an exhalation, perform a full elbow flexion, pulling the bar up to your chin.
  4. As you inhale, lower the barbell and straighten your elbows completely.
  5. Repeat the movements without cheating.

2) How to Do Incline Dumbbell Сurl

Take small dumbbells to do the exercise. Since the muscles and ligaments in this position are subjected to increased traction, there is a high risk of injury from excessive stress.

How to Do Incline Dumbbell Сurl
How to Do Incline Dumbbell Сurl
  1. Take dumbbells and sit on an incline bench at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Lower your straight arms down freely.
  3. With an exhalation, bend one arm at the elbow, without expanding the hand in the middle of the amplitude.
  4. Extend your elbow more slowly while inhaling than lifting.
  5. Repeat the movement immediately on the other hand. Repeat the same number of reps on each side.

3) How to Do Seated Biceps Curl

The exercise is performed with both hands at the same time without supination, that is (turn the wrist). The back of the bench should be set at a slight slope, this is necessary to increase the amplitude and tilt the elbows back to emphasize the long head of the biceps.

How to Do Seated Biceps Curl
How to Do Seated Biceps Curl


  1. Sit on a bench and put your head and lower back on the bench.
  2. Freely lower your arms with dumbbells down.
  3. As you exhale, bend your elbows and at the same time lift the dumbbells towards your shoulder. In this case, the brushes move parallel to each other.
  4. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells down and fully straighten your elbows.

4) How to Do Alternate Dumbbell Curl

This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting with an emphasis on the back of the bench.

How to Do Alternate dumbbell curl
How to Do Alternate dumbbell curl
  1. Rest your back against the back of the bench, or stand up straight and place your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lower your arms loosely along your torso.
  3. As you exhale, begin curling your elbows alternately.
  4. Extend your arms to the end while inhaling.

| Read more Alternate DB Curl

5) How to Do Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls

One of the most isolating biceps exercises, it allows you to work your biceps with maximum amplitude.

How to Do Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls
How to Do Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls


  1. Place your feet wide while sitting on a bench. Take a dumbbell in one hand.
  2. Lean forward and rest your elbow on the inner thigh of one leg so that your forearm is just below the thigh. With your free hand, lean on your other thigh.
  3. With an exhalation, contract the biceps as much as possible and bend the dumbbell towards the shoulder.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell, fully straightening your elbow, and repeat the movements.
  5. Then do the same on the other hand.

| Read also How Training Alternative Cable Concentration Curl 


Remember that in order to get beautiful and voluminous arms, it is important to train not just individual beams, but symmetrically develop all the muscles of the arms, not only the biceps. For now, beginners should not think about working out individual beams, first, you need to strengthen the muscles with basic biceps and triceps exercises, and then work on isolation.

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