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All about the pull to the waist barbell Overhand Rows – we rock our back in full!

The best exercise for the back is the barbell Overhand Rows. It is effective always and everywhere, it is done quite simply and perfectly shakes the whole back. As well as bench press it can be called a base.

Overhand Rows



When pulling the barbell Overhand Rows, the following muscles work:

  • The widest
  • Large round
  • Rear beams of deltas
  • Biceps
  • Rhomboid and trapezius muscles
Overhand Rows consists of the following muscles
Overhand Rows consists of the following muscles

When you change the grip and the angle of the body, you can change the displacement of the load on different areas of the back.

The correct technique for pulling the barbell Back Overhand Rows


How to Overhand Rows


  • Place your feet shoulder width apart, bend them slightly at the knees. Lean forward and grasp the bar of the bar with a straight grip (grip on top). Without bending arms in the elbows, straighten and lift the bar.
  • Make a slight deflection in the lower back and tilt the body forward (approximately 30 degrees above the parallel with the floor). Statically strain the lower back muscles and stay in this position until the end of the approach. The barbell is at the knee level.
  • Begin to pull the barbell to the stomach (to the top of the press), while the elbows are moving backwards. During the movement, try to raise your elbows as high as possible.
  • Try to perform traction solely with the muscles of the back, not with the biceps.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of video with a demonstration of the technique of pull rod in the slope, but often there are experienced athletes who perform movement with a lot of weight and jerks. It is not right. Beginners should learn from the very beginning to do the exercise correctly, without cheating and jerky movements. Otherwise, it is traumatic.

Variants of the exercise Overhand Rows

Typical errors in the performance of traction to the Back Overhand Rows:


How to Right Back Overhand Rows


  • Movement with feet and head. When pulling the rod in a slope, do not allow such movements, legs and head should remain stationary throughout the working approach.
  • Unstable position. When starting the exercise, make sure your position is stable. Place your feet at shoulder level or slightly wider, otherwise you will not be able to take a steady position.
  • Incorrect grip width. Choose such a grip, in which the distance between the brushes will be slightly larger than the width of the shoulders. Only in this case will the exercise have an amplitude of the required length due to a higher elbow lift.
  • Uneven back. Thrust rod tilting requires a perfectly flat back. Do not slouch, and fix your back exactly throughout the entire working approach. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.
  • Using too heavy a bar. The choice of excessive working weight will inevitably lead to a violation of the technique of implementation and a general decrease in the effectiveness of the exercise. In addition, it may cause injury.

We perform 15 warm-up repeats. Then we do 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches with working weights.

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