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Tag: arm exercises

Options for Performing Biceps | Kettlebell Exercises

Options for Performing Biceps The biceps can be inflated using various sports equipment - barbells, dumbbells and a horizontal barbell. Athletes who want to get...

Forearm Curls Proper Form | Exercise Videos & Guides

Execution Forearm Curls Proper Form The forearm is a special group of muscles, the restoration of which can take 2 - 3 days. Therefore, this group...

HIIT Cardio & Bicep Workout | Exercise Videos & Guides

Today we will consider a mixed exercise, cardio in the form of push-ups and lifting dumbbells to the biceps sitting. 🚨What muscles are involved: HIIT Cardio...

How to Do Skull Crushers Proper Form, Benefits, Types

How to Do Skull Crushers (or French press) Skull Crushers is one of the most effective isolated exercises for triceps training. This exercise can be done...

How to Pump Large Forearms | Videos & Guides

The best exercises for the forearms Strong and large forearms increase the impression of appearance in general, they are always in sight in the summer....

How to Pin Loaded Preacher Curl on Biceps | Videos &...

How to Do Pin Loaded Preacher Curl on Biceps Biceps Curl on Scott's bench (or another name how Pin Loaded Preacher Curl) is a simple...

How to Dumbbell & Barbell French Press | Videos & Guides

Barbell & Dumbbell French Press Consider a variation executing of the French press with dumbbells and a barbell. Technique of execution Variation of Press Benefits...

Before & After

How I Weight Lost 10kg in 3 months – Personal Experience...

How I weight lost 10kg in 3 Months - Personal Experience Milk Tea Diet I followed the milk tea diet using fasting days. And I...
